Monday 31 August 2015

Egg Fruit Cultivation Information Guide

Egg Fruit (Canistel):- Egg fruit (Pautaria campechiana) which is popularly known as "Canistel" belongs to the family  of "Sapotaceae" is a large, symmetrical, bushy, much branched, small sized an evergreen tree. This fruit is indigenous to Malaysia and is also found in the Western Ghats of South India and the tropical regions of South East Asia. The tree reaches a height about 20 to 30 ft. This tree fruits are produced about the size of an apple and the colour of the fruit is yellowish to orange with a meaty pulp similar to texture of a hard-boiled egg yolk enclosing often a single large seed. In India, this fruit is known to only some locals and the commercial cultivation of this fruit is very limited. These fruits can be consumed fresh either without removing the skin or after peeling and slicing. The egg fruit pulp is used in the preparation of milk shake.To read more Click here.