Friday 28 August 2015

Blueberry Cultivation Guide

Blueberries are perennial flowering plants of the genus “Vaccinium” that are usually grown for their dark berries. These berries can be consumed as raw, added to breakfasts, baked goods, and yogurts or made into jams. Blueberries have incredible nutrition and health benefits. Blueberries are not only popular, but also repeatedly ranked in the U.S. diet as having one of the highest antioxidant properties. These berries are native to North America. In India, Blueberry farming is very limited and there is a huge future potential for commercial blueberry farming due to its excellent health benefits of Blueberries. Blueberries have successfully started growing in India with correct cultivation practices, defiantly India will be the destination for Blueberry cultivation. To read more click here.