Monday 12 December 2016

Dairy Farm Business Question and Answers

Well, anyone who wants to go for commercial dairy farming business in India will certainly have some basic questions. Let us discuss different type questions related to starting a dairy farm in India.
Dairy Farm Business - What should I start with cows or buffaloes in my farm?

Well, there is no direct or easy answer for this and It depends on many factors. Generally, you can expect more milk from cows when compared to buffaloes. However, buffalo milk fat content is twice as much as cow milk because of this reason, buffalo milk gets better price in local markets. When it comes to daily milking, milking a cow can be done by automated machines where as it would be difficult task for buffaloes. Buffaloes are hardy animals and more disease resistant when compared to cows. When it comes to price, cows are cheaper than buffaloes. Heat cycle detection is easy in cows when compared to buffaloes. So ultimately it is your decision to choose one of them. I have personally heard from many dairy farmers they like buffaloes than cows. However, final call is yours, of course you can have both them and test yourself.

Read more : HERE.