Sunday 25 September 2016

Dairy Project Report with 50 Murrah Buffaloes

Well, let us discuss about  Murrah buffalo project report. This report is about 50 Murrah buffaloes in dairy farming. This report includes about total project cost of 50 Murrah buffaloes and subsidies, bank loans and profits in India.
The following report is based on following assumptions for Murrah buffalo dairy project report  for successful farming.
  1.       Freshly calved Murrah female buffaloes in first or second lactation should be purchased in 2 batches of 25 animals.
  2.         And each batch at an interval of 5 to 6 months of time frame.
  3.        Make sure to have/own 9 to10 acres of land for green fodder growing.
  4.       Buffalo dung is used as organic fertilizer manure for green fodder cultivation.
  5.       Cost of rearing or growing calves not considered as it will be repealed by their sale.
  6.      In case of death of adult animal, new buffalo will be purchased or replaced from insurance claim money or buying.
  7.       Heifers can be used as replacement stocks. 

Read actual Project report here.